Episode 29: Understanding Construction Financials With Andy Skarda

There's a fundamental fear of numbers among builders who often become businessmen by accident. They realise too late that building good houses isn't enough; understanding numbers is crucial.

In episode 29 of the Professional Builders Secrets podcast, we’re joined by APB’s Head Coach, Andy Skarda. Throughout this episode, we get into the fundamentals of construction financials, and how much of a part financial awareness can play in a builder’s success.

key moments

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  • 1:15 The fundamentals in construction financials.
  • 4:37 How financial awareness plays part in a builder's success.
  • 5:37 The financial framework for professional builders.
  • 12:23 Setting targets and exceeding benchmarks.
  • 25:48 KPIs builders must be monitoring.
  • 31:10 How APB members efficiently monitor their numbers.
  • 36:18 Why builders fail when it comes to financials.
  • 38:36 How to take action after analysing your financials.
  • 41:23 Financial trends affecting builders.
  • 43:35 Where to start.


key moments

  • 1:15 The fundamentals in construction financials.
  • 4:37 How financial awareness plays part in a builder's success.
  • 5:37 The financial framework for professional builders.
  • 12:23 Setting targets and exceeding benchmarks.
  • 25:48 KPIs builders must be monitoring.
  • 31:10 How APB members efficiently monitor their numbers.
  • 36:18 Why builders fail when it comes to financials.
  • 38:36 How to take action after analysing your financials.
  • 41:23 Financial trends affecting builders.
  • 43:35 Where to start.


Andy Skarda has owned and led businesses in South Africa, the United States, South-East Asia, and for the last decade, Australia. With 30+ years of business experience, Andy heads up the coaching team at the Association of Professional Builders (APB), helping business owners in the building industry identify and implement the skills and systems they need to be successful, without needing to go back to school or more importantly, without going bust.

“A specialised podcast made just for the owners of custom home building companies. Extraordinary guests, valuable content and  amazing stories from other builders.”

Cheri K

5-star review on Apple Podcasts

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